🌟 Prepping for my “Wisdom and Wealth Podcasts 2024 Edition

Hello everyone! As we head into the new year, I’m thrilled to share some thoughts and ideas that I believe will inspire and energise you. 🚀 Let’s dive in!

🚫 The Trap of Duty and Criticism: Countless men and women, both young and old, let relatives impact their lives in the name of DUTY, fearing criticism. Many avoid setting high goals or choosing a career due to fear of being seen as unrealistic.

But here’s my take: LOOK–AIM HIGH AND KNOW YOUR PURPOSE. Don’t let guilt or fear of judgement dictate your life!   I am From Buffalo, New York so here is my old New York Attitude for You: My response to relative guilt and manipulation? SCREW THAT. It’s time to break free and live your dream!

🔹 THE SIX BASIC FEARS (Napoleon Hill):

1. Fear of poverty – Don’t let indecision, indifference, doubt, worry, ove-caution, and  procrastination hold you back. 
2. Fear of criticism – Shake off self-consciousness, lack of poise, inferiority, lack of initiative, and embrace ambition. 
3. Fear of ill health – Choose wellness and balance.  Get rid of hypochondria, poor exercise, self-coddling, stress, and rage.  
4. Fear of loss of love – Move away from jealousy and fault finding.  Cultivate trust and understanding.
5. Fear of old age – Stay active and reject the “old” label.  Avoid thinking age means slowing down and developing an inferiority complex around the age of 50.  Avoid referring to oneself apologetically as “being old,” and losing your initiative, imagination, and self-reliance.  
6. Fear of death – Focus on living with purpose.

🏆 Longevity Mindset: I challenge the traditional retirement goal. Why settle when you could be building your dreams at any age? Government actuaries bank on you retiring early – but why play into their hands?

🔎 In the USA, Ever Wondered… where your Social Security money goes? Traditional retirement can actually work against your longevity. I chose to opt out of the government and Wall Street narratives. Why not build your dream, regardless of your age? Whether it’s a business, non-profit, or any passion project, go for it!

💼 Work, but Not Just for Others: Why work for someone else when you can be your own boss? Inspired by Robert Kiyosaki’s “The Cash Flow Quadrant,” I advocate for owning assets and building your own wealth. Don’t be just be a payroll expense line item on someone else’s profit and loss statement. If you’re truly valued, ask for stock options or, better yet, create your own path.  Build your own business, or non-profit, or service, or trade, or shop, or practice. Go get the degree needed if that is what it takes. Offer apprenticeships to young people you employ. Offer them stock options or a promise you will invest capital in their dreams and businesses when the time comes.

When I say work, I mean definitely NOT for other people who own assets who are building their wealth with you as simply a payroll expense on their P&L. (Listen to my podcasts):



💡 The Fear of Death: Don’t dwell on the end, but on living fully. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Reject lies that limit your life and embrace your purpose with vigor.

💌 FREE OFFER: Are you ready for a transformation? Message me, and let’s kick out negative thinking together! But be warned: I won’t let you indulge in self-pity or laziness. It’s time to challenge every false belief and live with purpose. No matter your age, your life is about vibrancy and fulfillment.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Let’s make 2024 a year of breaking barriers and achieving our wildest dreams! 🚀🌟

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