This is a condensed version of my Substack issue 003.  For the full article, click here.  

AI and You – A Love/Hate Relationship?  Hey there! It’s another beautiful day in the digital age, and today, let’s deep dive into the AI-infused waters of our world. Remember those fun illustrations we did on quantum physics? We’re doing it again, but with the AI that might be creeping into your workplace. 

1. AI is Everywhere – Not Just for the Uber Nerds

First things first, let’s get one thing straight: AI isn’t just hanging out with the techies or chilling in high-profile Silicon Valley boardrooms. It’s entering every job market, from the surgeon in an operating room to the banker crunching numbers. And while it brings along its toolkit of awesomeness, like boosting productivity, it’s also raising some (virtual) eyebrows.

2. Your New Co-worker: Robo-Bob

Ever felt a pang of, “Hey, is this robot here to grab my job?” when a new software gets introduced? Well, research indicates that a lot of us are afraid of losing our professional ‘identity’ to AI. In a nutshell, it’s like getting a new colleague, Robo-Bob, who’s kinda cool but also might be way better at your job than you are.

3. A Quick AI 101

We’ve got different flavors of AI:

  • Narrow AI: Super good at one task. Think of it as Robo-Bob being a pro at making coffee but clueless about everything else.
  • General AI: As versatile as humans. This is Robo-Bob being good at coffee, handling emails, and perhaps gossiping about the latest office romance.
  • Superintelligence: Well, this is Robo-Bob on some serious digital steroids. Exceeding human capacity in everything. Yikes.

4. The Workplace Identity Crisis

Imagine you’ve always been the Excel Guru at your office. But now, there’s an AI that can do those Excel tricks in its sleep. It’s like finding out you’re not the main character in your workplace sitcom, and it can feel rough. This change makes many of us question our professional worth and even our identity.

Image by Kevin Baker and DALL·E 3 A seesaw scene where a human and a humanoid robot are at opposite ends, highlighting the imbalance.

5. The Upside of AI (It’s Not All Doom and Gloom!)

But it’s not all about the dark clouds! 🌦 With AI on the rise, we’re looking at a world where new job avenues pop up! So, while Robo-Bob might be sipping your coffee, you could be the one programming his next coffee-making upgrade.

6. “Who am I in an AI World?”

This age-old existential query, once pondered by the likes of Socrates, gains even more complexity in our digital age. But it’s not just about individual identity anymore. As our workplaces integrate more AI, we’re constantly redefining our professional identities too. The silver lining? As Socrates put it, realizing our ignorance might just be the first step to understanding.

7. The Ethical Playbook

Given all this, the big question is: How do we make AI our ally rather than a feared replacement? By championing ethical AI integrations and ensuring that Robo-Bob is there to collaborate, not dominate. AI can be a powerful tool, but it’s up to us humans to make sure it’s used responsibly.

An image designed by me and DALL·E 3 of an AI enhanced man my age wearing the workout gear I wear walking down Avalon Beach-Sydney thinking about writing this newsletter.

AI Impacts on the Future of Work

Aspect/Industry Optimistic Pessimistic
Job Creation AI will create new types of jobs that we haven’t imagined yet. AI will lead to mass unemployment as many jobs are automated away.
Economic Growth AI will drive growth by optimizing processes, improving efficiency, and spawning new industries. Overreliance on AI may stagnate innovation, leading to economic slowdown.
Worker Productivity AI will augment workers, making them more productive and freeing them from mundane tasks. Workers may become overly dependent on AI, reducing their skills and productivity.
Healthcare AI-driven diagnoses will enhance the accuracy of treatments, while robots can assist in surgeries and care. AI may misdiagnose patients, leading to dangerous outcomes. Doctors’ roles may be marginalized.
Manufacturing Automation and robotics will lead to increased production, quality, and precision. Widespread job losses among blue-collar workers. Reliance on AI can lead to supply chain vulnerabilities.
Retail Improved customer experiences with AI-driven recommendations, chatbots, and inventory management. Job losses due to automated checkouts and warehouses. Loss of human touch in customer service.
Finance Algorithms can better detect fraud, optimize trading, and personalize customer services. Over-reliance on algorithms might lead to financial crises. Loss of jobs in areas like trading and customer service.
Education Personalized learning experiences. Teachers can use AI tools to better assist students. Teachers might be sidelined by online AI platforms, leading to devaluation of the teaching profession.
Transportation and Logistics Autonomous vehicles lead to safer and more efficient transport. AI optimizes supply chain logistics. Job losses for drivers. Ethical issues arise from AI decision-making in traffic situations.
Entertainment and Media Creation of new content using AI, and improved personalization for viewers. Over-saturation of content. Potential loss of originality and human touch in entertainment.

The Construction Industry AI Impacts

Aspect Optimistic View Pessimistic View
Project Planning & Design AI optimizes designs for energy efficiency, structural integrity, and material usage, leading to sustainable buildings. Over-reliance on AI designs might stifle human creativity or result in designs that don’t account for nuanced requirements.
Cost Estimation Accurate cost predictions using AI algorithms reduce budget overruns and ensure efficient resource allocation. AI might overlook local nuances or market fluctuations, potentially resulting in inaccurate estimates.
Scheduling AI optimizes project schedules, predicting and mitigating delays, leading to timely project completions. Over-optimization might reduce buffer times essential for unforeseen challenges, leading to unrealistic timelines.
Safety & Risk Assessment Enhanced safety through AI-driven monitoring of sites, identifying potential hazards and reducing accidents. False positives or over-reliance on AI for safety might lead to overlooked human assessments and compromise site safety.
Materials Management AI-driven logistics and inventory management reduce waste, ensuring optimal material usage and procurement. Malfunctions or errors in AI systems might lead to material shortages or overstock, disrupting project timelines.
Quality Assurance Automated AI inspections ensure high-quality workmanship and early detection of issues. Over-reliance on AI inspections might miss intricacies or nuances a human expert would catch.
Automation & Robotics Robots take on repetitive and hazardous tasks, increasing productivity and safety. Job losses as robots replace manual labor, leading to unemployment and the need for retraining workers.
Predictive Maintenance AI predicts equipment maintenance needs, reducing downtime and extending machinery life. False predictions could lead to either unnecessary maintenance costs or unexpected equipment breakdowns.
Post-construction Energy Management AI-driven building management systems optimize energy consumption, reducing costs and environmental impact. Potential privacy concerns with constant monitoring; system malfunctions might lead to energy wastage.

Figure 2: Included because this is the industry I work in.  

Watercolor painting capturing the essence of Kevin’s conversation with ChatGPT in his Australian home. The room is filled with natural light from the 4-panel bifold glass doors. Outside, the veranda overlooks gum trees, palm trees, and the shimmering waters of Pittwater Bay. The footpath at street level provides a grounding element to the scene.

I Talk to AIs

ChatGPT: G’day Kevin, I just went through the article you sent and the additional table comparing the optimistic and pessimistic views of AI in different sectors. It’s fascinating stuff.

Kevin: Thanks! The contrasting perspectives aim to provide a holistic view of AI’s impact. But before we delve into specifics, what’s your overall impression?

ChatGPT: The breadth of AI’s influence is truly vast. From general economic impacts to nuanced industry-specific repercussions, it’s evident that AI’s integration is a double-edged sword. Your article also strikes a balance between potential and peril. The table, in particular, is a succinct way of showcasing the opposing views.

Kevin: I appreciate that. One thing I wanted to discuss in-depth is the ethical dimension, especially in the context of human-AI relationships in the workplace. Given your perspective, what do you see as the most pressing ethical issue?

ChatGPT: Ethically, a central concern is the potential loss of human autonomy and agency. As AI systems take over tasks and even decision-making processes, humans may feel marginalised or devalued. For instance, in healthcare, while AI can assist in diagnoses and enhance treatment accuracy, it might also overshadow the role of doctors. There’s a risk of eroding the trust-based human-to-human interaction which is fundamental in such sectors.

Kevin: Exactly! In healthcare, the patient-doctor relationship is essential. If AI misdiagnoses or provides treatment suggestions, and doctors start relying solely on it without applying their expertise, the consequences could be dangerous. It’s an ethical dilemma of trust and responsibility.

ChatGPT: Right, and it’s not just in healthcare. Consider transportation. Autonomous vehicles promise safer and more efficient transport, but the ethical questions arise when these vehicles face decision-making scenarios. Who does the vehicle prioritise in a potential accident – the passenger or pedestrians? And who bears the moral responsibility?

Kevin: It’s like the modern version of the trolley problem.

There is a runaway trolley barreling down the railway tracks. Ahead, on the tracks, there are five people tied up and unable to move. The trolley is headed straight for them. You are standing some distance off in the train yard, next to a lever. If you pull this lever, the trolley will switch to a different set of tracks. However, you notice that there is one person on the side track. You have two (and only two) options:

  1. Do nothing, in which case the trolley will kill the five people on the main track.
  2. Pull the lever, diverting the trolley onto the side track where it will kill one person.

Which is the more ethical option? Or, more simply: What is the right thing to do?

In my journey as a Wisdom Technologist, I’ve found myself in countless conversations, across diverse platforms, including this very newsletter. My mission? To stir an awakening in developers and users of our era’s deep tech. I want them to grasp the ethical intricacies that spring up from the heart of new technologies.

Let’s pause and ponder about autonomous vehicles for a moment. I recall an evening when, sitting by the fireplace, I was lost in thought about a futuristic scenario. What if, while cruising down a city lane, a self-driven car faces a split-second decision – a collision seems imminent. Now, here’s the catch: the car’s software gets to decide the outcome. It’s like a modern-day choose-your-own-adventure, but with profound implications. Should the car prioritize those seated inside or the unsuspecting pedestrian crossing the street?

During one of my deep dives, I stumbled upon an intriguing platform – The Moral Machine by MIT Media Lab. It’s designed as a public forum, drawing parallels to the age-old trolley dilemma. I was both fascinated and alarmed by the varied ethical choices individuals made, and how these choices shifted across geographical borders. Some innovators are even exploring virtual reality to recreate and understand human instincts in such high-stakes situations.

However, not everyone’s on board with this trolley-centric approach. Critics argue that the real-world complexities of driverless cars can’t be boxed into just the trolley narrative. They believe we need a more holistic, top-to-bottom strategy, aligned with how AI currently responds to emergencies.

And then there’s the looming question: Should it be the law that crafts a universal moral code for these vehicles? Or should it be left to the individual whims and preferences of the car owner? Picture this: Would you be comfortable cruising in a car programmed to potentially sacrifice you for the greater good? While this sounds unnerving to most, some argue that embracing such a collective ethical framework could, ironically, serve our broader self-interest.

In essence, as we accelerate into this brave new world, it’s pivotal to question, reflect, and above all, engage in these ethical conversations. For it’s not just about innovation, but about steering its course responsibly.

Another sector that caught my attention was education. If teachers are sidelined by AI platforms, we might lose the essential human touch in education. A machine might tailor content based on a student’s learning pattern, but can it genuinely understand and cater to a student’s emotional and psychological needs?

ChatGPT: That’s a profound point. Education is not just about transmitting information; it’s about mentorship, guidance, and human connection. While AI can provide personalised learning experiences, it lacks the empathy, intuition, and emotional intelligence of a human teacher. So, while it’s beneficial as a tool, replacing or sidelining human educators raises serious ethical concerns about the quality and depth of education.

Kevin: Another thing that concerns me is worker productivity. While AI promises to augment workers, there’s a risk of becoming overly dependent on it. Over time, humans might lose their skills, making them less adaptable and innovative. This can stagnate personal growth and even innovation on a broader scale.

ChatGPT: It’s the classic dilemma of technology making life easier but potentially making humans lazier or less skilled. It’s crucial to strike a balance where AI serves as a tool that enhances human abilities rather than replace them. Constant learning and adaptation should be encouraged to ensure humans remain relevant and active participants in the workplace.

Kevin: Precisely. As we delve deeper into the age of AI, these discussions are vital. Balancing technological advancement with ethical considerations will determine the kind of future we shape.

ChatGPT: Absolutely, Kevin. The dialogue between technological potential and ethical responsibility will define our era. Your article and table provide an excellent foundation for these discussions.

To wrap it up, remember that in the age of AI, being human is our superpower. Embrace the changes, be adaptive, and remember: Every Robo-Bob needs a human touch. Until next time, keep wondering, questioning, and embracing the techy future with ethics in mind! 🚀🤖👩‍💻👨‍💻

To infinity and beyond 🚀



  1. Frick & Marx, 2021
  2. Baptista et al., 2020
  3. Rai et al., 2019
  4. Brachten et al., 2020; Mirbabaie et al., 2020, 2021
  5. Wirtz et al., 2020
  6. Selz, 2020
  7. Złotowski et al., 2017
  8. Batin & Turchin, 2017
  9. Carter and Grover, 2015

Last Things

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Ethics and Algorithms is meticulously designed to serve as your compass in this journey, offering invaluable lessons and insights that will empower both individuals and organisations. We go beyond GPT prompts to the real impacts taking place today.


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